I actually do nothing. I set up the stuff and the position myself on the floor - ready to snap away. The amazing people at the Humane Society do all the handling and we use two to get all of our shots. I do get to be a mini-trampoline for curious puppies who like to pull my hair, jump on my back and lick my ears and my lens, but that is hardly work. This week we decided to throw a gelled speedlite on the background and that added just a tad more complexity. So, here is how it came together...
1st shot
Immediate boredom
Bring out the toys + handler blocking the gelled speedlite
simultaneous attention - seemingly impossible
where is #3?
new idea
somebody didn't get a toy
who is blocking the light again?
getting close
almost there - everybody needs to look this way!
Yes! - No! The gelled light didn't fire!
Got it, but..., how about just 1 more?
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
All Images © chris martin photography