I like camera bags.
This is about the bag I will be shooting out of in Africa this time and not what
bag I will use to get the gear there. I have a camera backpack, but I never, ever shoot out of it anymore. I had three
primary shoulder bags that are used for completely different reasons. I have added a fourth and that will be my
shooting bag for this trip.
The Crumpler 6 Million Dollar Home – my wife has stolen that bag from me.
The Tenba Camera Messenger – up until recently
this was my main bag. It has a good
amount of room including lots of little pockets and storage areas, is very
durable, and I feel my gear is very safe.
I have been able to get my Dell XPS M1330 in there with a limited shooting kit. I often take this bag when
traveling by air as it goes under every seat of every small regional jet there
is. The only downside for me is that it
is a little like carrying an Igloo Playmate cooler.
The Think Tank Retrospective 20 - This is
another favorite when traveling by air, but often used more as a briefcase for
the laptop, small shooting kit and other travel stuff
The Domke F-2 Ruggedwear Shooter’s Bag - I
decided on this bag for the upcoming trip because it had “Shooter’s Bag” in the
name. Not really. I picked up a Domke a
few years ago and literally said out loud, “Are you kidding me?” I guess I just didn't get it. I have changed. When this arrived, I filled it with gear and
placed it on my shoulder and said “Wow!”
When I took it to Seattle a few weeks ago and used it when
shooting a wedding, I came back saying “Wow, O’ Wow!” This is the bag for me. However, and I must admit, it wasn’t perfect. For the Africa trip, I am taking two bodies. I have a different
configuration for a one body shoot-out bag.
Neither that nor the above configuration works for a two body shoot-out
Enter Flying With Fish and a great suggestion –
the Mountainsmith Kit Cube! I had
previously picked one of these up after reading the Flying With Fish blog. I also use the Northface Surge
backpack, as my briefcase, and the Mountainsmith Cube fits inside perfectly as well. After reading that other Domke inserts would
not provide the two body configuration I was looking for, I thought what about
the Cube?
Remove the
Domke insert, replace it with the Cube and not only does it become a two body
solution, but I have a nice extra slot for a flash or the ultra wide I am also
taking. I do have to remove the grips,
but that makes everything lighter anyway.
For me, this is the perfect solution for 5 weeks of shooting
in Tanzania – comfortable, practical and blends into the surroundings better.
Coming soon - How to Get the Gear There.